Accessibility Statement
Creating a truly inclusive digital experience for all users, regardless of their abilities or limitations.
Copyright Policy
Commitment to respecting the copyrights of others and to creating and using content in an ethical and responsible manner.
Linking Policy
Linking policy welcomes links from other websites, but has guidelines to ensure that links are relevant, descriptive, and do not harm the organization.
Cookie Policy
Homemade policy that gives users full control over their data and how cookies are used.
Ethics Policy
A commitment to acting ethically in all activities, based on the core values of honesty, integrity, fairness, and accountability.
Whistleblower Policy
A comprehensive and well-written policy that demonstrates the organization's commitment to openness, transparency, and accountability.
Legal TLDR
Quick overview of the Legal Transparency
As an NPO
A community-driven nonprofit organization that unites and uplifts diverse communities in Koreatown and beyond.
Community Guidelines
Article outlines the expectations for members to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive community.
Litigation Risks
Article provides an overview of the risks that the organization faces and how to mitigate them.
Consent Forms & Surveys
Article provides guidance on how to create and distribute consent forms and surveys in a compliant and ethical manner.
Compliance & Audit
An overview of the legal framework, guidelines, procedures, and resources for ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards.
Intellectual Property
Ktown Team creates a separate entity called Ktown Cloud to manage its intellectual property (IP) and ensure its integrity.
Bylaws articles outline the organization's governance, operations, and policies.
Articles of Incorporation
Articles of Incorporation outlines the organization's purpose, structure, and operations.
Fostering trust through cutting-edge transparency: Org's ethical, tech-driven culture.
Data & Privacy
We respect user privacy and use data responsibly to improve our services and protect users.
Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions govern the use of its websites, mobile applications, software, and related services.
Privacy Policy
Privacy-first policy that ensures data protection and user control throughout the organization.
Conflict of Interest
Ethical policy ensuring alignment, disclosure, and resolution of conflicts.